The link between the gods and the god in the Egyptian religion was linked to a sacred and a symbol of the universe, it has become a marriage between Egyptians held sacred and important, and refers to the participation and loyalty, and equality.
A freak hail papers show that monogamy was known even in the era before any Alosrat seven thousand years ago and evidence of the importance of marriage and the sanctity of marriage and the extent to which we find in one of the myths that explain the phenomenon Fayyadan Nile.
The ancient Egyptians believed that the Nile water is even greater when the gods Isis and remember the death of her husband and Osores sit at the river and the Shatt al-cry, Vdmuaha down to the river and more water comes Fayyadan Nile.

Women were working in the Pharaonic era in many areas, especially politics. And in the history of ancient Egypt many of the examples of queens and ministers, which as far as Zcahn or pharaoh who built the pyramid and the biggest name Hotb came to power, rather than her son was small, even the right age for the rule of queens, there was also continued in power as long Snina queen who ruled Egypt Hachpsot Twenty years and queens ruled their husbands, such as Egypt, besides the wife of Akhenaton Nefertiti - a beautiful wife and beautiful Amenhoteb - black - and T Ochehrhn another queen of Egypt is Iklpetra which subsequently became the heroine of the novels and films.
Also women in pharaonic times was able to reach the important posts in the State we find the names and titles of papers in a freak hail prove to us that there are the names of the women were working in the judiciary, such as the judge decide which were the protectors of the king of the family sections at the beginning of the sixth date of the Egyptian state around. Also find the name of an Egyptian doctor named Bscht securities and we can conclude that she had been one of the best and the nearest doctors Faroon.
Egyptian women were able to Tthbtn themselves in social and cultural life also find many of them Olkabhn example shows the function of the writer of this post and at times had to reach high government posts such as the accountant in the post-pharaonic minors or other director of the warehouse and also discover many of the women of this time working in the Department of Trade and stores temples. All these facts indicate the independence of women in the Pharaonic era and the extent of their rights in all spheres of life, particularly their legal rights to property, marriage and inheritance, and if we compare the development of Romanian and Egyptian women in this age we will see that the Egyptian had enjoyed more freedom and the rights and the set out on the status of Roma women who were suffering from a lack of civil rights.
Said the Egyptian archaeologist and a French Egyptologist Christiane Corps so that the Egyptian woman who lived a simple rural life was going to fun and happy, it is clear that equality between the sexes was something inherently natural and ancient Egyptian society, but without exaggeration, and to preserve the role of women Basic mother and wife and a housewife, and often see the paintings of this era show women as workers in the field helps her husband in the harvest, like men, if need be.

Egyptian civilization had not forgotten the many laws and women's issues through the centuries a lot of laws governing the role and status in the legal community and belonged to the most important contract of marriage and the development of laws on the rights of couples with each other and Mttlebatthma before and after the divorce the issue of inheritance. And the marriage contract was Demands that the parties respect and fidelity and gives the women in the event of a divorce without cause is right, which brought her to her husband's home on the night of the wedding and in the case of divorce by agreement of the parties or the specific reason for the Egyptian woman has the right to one third of the property of the spouses. But it is clear that for divorce when the Egyptians had not loved something or a little, and rarely happens. And the softest and most beautiful proof of the important role of women in the life of every Egyptian man, peasant or king, whether strict adherence to tradition was the burial of wives of men in the same side of the grave, as the ancient Egyptians used to say: the couple are partners in life and not Evrgahma to death but remain in the Hereafter Ashqan .
Surprising that every child born in the upper or in the royal family was due to begin their education as boys in the fourth year of life, such as boys and girls were taught reading and writing and literature Balheiroglevip ancient Egyptian characters and Alheirip and is a form of Egyptian writing But the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs of the simplest and are used in everyday life and are not used in official and religious texts, as in the hieroglyphic writing. Daughters of kings and princes, they had the right to learn the full curriculum, which contains the principles and basics of mathematics and engineering. There is one of the Elders of Ancient Egypt:
"If the search for wisdom and happiness, and love your wife and your partner interested in the Oraaha and it would be with your home and caring for your children and I love it Troyhm. I take as long as you are alive because it is a gift and a blessing from the Lord, who responded to your prayers and Dauatc. The enjoyment of this blessing, because the canonization Attiyah, this is what the satisfaction of the divine Lord.

Balamha sense because it is accepted by the mother of your children. Made them happy if your happy and if you look after the Statni them. The deposit is in your heart and your hands and you are liable to the Lord because you are yourself the era before the gods, you will be a shrine and a father, brother and partner and a friend of your wife and Ashguetk. "
The marriage was called "Making the wife" or "wife" and. Seems that the word father and his opinion was the essential and most importantly in accordance with the General Batriqi in ancient Egypt, with the view of the mother has not been ignored as a girl says Egyptian pharaonic hair:
"I do not know anything about the extent and his Achtyakyi Ohoudanh Vsorsl word Lamy Tnqzni ......" And known that if the girl was an orphan opinion and approval of the marriage was due to an uncle or brother to the men relatives. But this respect is the history of Egypt at the outset of any families in the era of the first, but we find that in the marriage contracts of the family and the twenty-sixth addition to the contract and which are among the wife decides to consent to the marriage after her husband heard to say: grant and make you my wife says: made me your wife. What little we know about pre-marital Do not know there was a period of official recognition or engagement. Is also the question of the age of marriage is not clear and known. Age was not mentioned in the contract of marriage and there are some references in the research and reference for the modern marriage of children, but it was not based on the fact that the foundations of the facts and there is no indication in the Brdiat or drawings on the walls of temples, which we consider the source of information on ancient Egypt. However, we can conclude that the marriage was almost at the age of twelve for girls and some of the fourth was born, because this was the age of puberty when the ancient Egyptians and demonstrated religious Albrdiat was interested in this.
And other traditions of the Egyptians at the marriage of social class, and one exception to this tradition has been the case sometimes in the middle and the royal marriage of the best known pharaoh of the editor, Nonkht and married the king after a period of time, other manufacturers operating in the minors. King also known Amenhoteb married women from the general public and a black T name and mentioned earlier in this article, a woman governor, because it was already helping her husband and ruled Egypt in themselves known and amended.

No mention of any sanctions in the Egyptian marriage of other nationalities, many of whom were married to the Syrians and the Nubians, and also many of the Princesses of ancient Egypt had married foreign wives and have become the kings of the Assyrians and Somrien and Hthein. Most of these marriages were for political purposes, but there are many stories of love between the ancient Egyptians and Princesses from outside Egypt, which indicates the lack of sanctions such as social relations. But it was different at the time of marriage of women slaves this link has not been recognized by the legal and if the women gave birth to the relationship of these Votefalha remain slaves and the only solution to free itself to pay the money before the marriage or adoption of the Ahrar on one of the men was able to free adoptive children as well.
Women in ancient Egypt had a special place in society and as we have seen if it is to prove the same doors were always open and it was estimated as a mother and wife were also estimated a scholar or a doctor or a writer and Khakmp
love the pictures *JVBHJVGHJ